Mesmerizing footage of a woman giving birth inside a moving car

By Unknown → Friday, July 24, 2015
There had been a lot of videos showing off how mothers deliver their child. Most of them want to give birth in the hospital for their baby to be safe but then there are some mothers who didn't make it to the hospital. 

But this mother seems to be very excited to give birth to her baby. They had been driving for 45 minutes just to reach the hospital, she even claimed that her water already broke. 

What made her panicked more is when she realized that she couldn't really make it to the hospital and realized that her baby wouldn't receive proper treatment. 

She then decided to give birth to herself inside their car. She was screaming because of the pain she's feeling. 

Everything was successful, she was able to give birth to a 10 lb baby, which filled all the pain with happiness. 

Let the whole world know about this incredible story! 

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Jillur Rahman

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