There are instances in which humans fail to recognize the beauty that nature has to offer. While they may seem ordinary for some other creatures, looking at it from a fresh perspective reveals the true majesty of nature and how amazing it can truly be.
The Scripps Pier, On July 08, 2014, caught the attention of a lot of people because of some dark spillage-like stains that has spread on the ocean surface.
At first, the people were alarmed because it appeared like an oil spill that has began to spread all over the surface of the ocean. Thereafter, they began to realize that it was not an oil spill but rather, a school of anchovies--millions of them!
People were amazed at such a magnificent sight. There were some who swam under the water just so to get a closer look at one of nature's beautiful display of marine creatures.
Did you find this display magnificent, too?Share with us your thoughts by commenting below.
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