Rare yet magical moment of a White whale caught on cam! This will blow your mind!

By Unknown → Friday, August 14, 2015
We all know for a fact that this world has a lot of surprises, especially the oceans. There are lots of undiscovered creatures in different parts of the world, but do you what's even more amazing? It is to see the albino versions of those creatures!

This video of a white whale is now circulating online! This is the most rare sightings of a humpback was spotted on the coast of Queensland. Some people claim that it was a Migaloo, the most famous white whale.

However, some say that it was really not a Migaloo rather a younger and a smaller version of analbino whale on the coast.

The people who were able to witness this event is truly magical and majestic because this is truly a once in a lifetime moment!

Let the whole world know about this incredible story!

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Jillur Rahman

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