Creepy story behind the Realistic bridal mannequin in Mexico!

By Unknown → Sunday, August 9, 2015
Let's face it, mannequins in different clothing store always scare us! But then, there's this mannequin  in Chihuahua, Mexico that's becoming more and more famous because of the myths behind it. 

This realistic mannequin in a famous bridal shop in Mexico named "La Popular", is believed to be a preserved corpse of the shop owner's daughter. 

According to the stories, "La Pascualita" or "Little Pascuala" was the name of the mannequin, that came from the former owner Pascuala Esparze. The mannequin was first installed in the 1930 and since then, it had stood there for quite a long time.

The mannequin is very much scary because it has a wide-set glass eyes, real hair and a blushing skin tone which is very similar to a real human. People in Mexico claim that the mannequin resembled Pascuala's daughter. 

People also claim that a love-sick French magician would arrive at night and bring the mannequin to life. 

However, there are also rumors that the mannequin sometimes changes its position. But then these rumors aren't confirmed.

"Every time I go near Pascualita my hands break out in sweat. Her hands are very realistic and she even has varicose veins on her legs. I believe she's a real person." One of the shop worker said.

Let the whole world know about this creepy story!

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Jillur Rahman

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