Man found lost wallet and used the money for shopping. He then finds out who the owner is and this happens...

By Unknown → Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Given a chance that you found a lost wallet in the street while on your way to the mall - would you report it to the authority and return it to the owner? Really, would you? Well, not a lot of people plays the Good Samaritan type - there are those who feel they are entitled to take some of the money as a reward.

DennisCeeTV in Youtube made a social experiment:'What would you do with a lost wallet?'

For this social experiment, he asked a guy to drop his wallet containing hundreds of dollars, personal identification cards, bank cards and credit cards. The motive is to find out how people would react after seeing the incident. People who took notice of the incident outright told him he dropped his wallet. There were even those who picked the wallet from the ground and took the effort to return it.

Not until this guy shows up...

He picked the wallet from the floor, didn't bother looking for the owner and the camera rolled... They followed him inside the mall where he used a credit card which looks similar to the one he found inside the wallet. He then went to a shoe store in the mall where he used the very same card.

As they continued following him, the man took out the ID's of the owner and searched for the address of the owner. He then went the extra mile to go to his home to return the wallet. When the owner got his wallet, he asked if the guy used his credit card.

And the staggering truth? The guy didn't. He told the owner he has a similar credit card as his and that he won't use it because it's not his.As a sign of recognition, the owner gave him a reward, which he refused. But the owner insisted and he gave in.

What a great guy, you think? Do you agree there are still people like him? Share your thoughts below!
Via successfulflow

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Jillur Rahman

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