A story of a father lied to her daughter. The reason behind will surely make you cry

By Unknown → Friday, July 17, 2015
We can't deny the fact that everything we have right now was given by our parents, they work day and night to earn money and to give you everything you want. You don't know how hard they are working just to let you study in a school for you to have a degree.

Here's a heartbreaking video that will surely make you apologize to your parents for being such a brat, this video will make you realize that you should've at least say 'thank you' whenever they sacrifice something for you.

In this video, a father spends a happy time with his adorable daughter. His daughter even wrote a letter for him, a letter saying how good he is as a father. But as he continues to read, tears starts flowing from his eyes.

He just read that his daughter thought he's lying to her, he lied when he said he's not tired, he lied when he said he's not hungry, he lied and kept everything from his daughter because he don't want her to get worried. He kept everything a secret for her not to think of him and to just focus more on her studies.

This dad deserves to be called a superhero

Did you shed tears while watching this video? Better post your opinions in the comment box below!
Via MetLife Hong Kong

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Jillur Rahman

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