
A shocking video showing what happens to instant noodles in your stomach

By Unknown → Friday, July 17, 2015
Most teenagers who lack time to prepare food often settles for processed food, more like"processed ramen noodles". People prefer eating processed noodles to help because it's much cheaper if you'll cook your own ramen and also it's quick and easy.

But then, you might think twice about eating processed noodles again once you've watched this video!

A gastrointestinal specialist from Massachusetts General Hospital named Dr. Barden Kuo, tracked the processed ramen noodles inside the stomach all the way to the digestive system of a person.

Using a multivitamin sized camera known as the "smart pill" that was taken in after a meal, they found a way to monitor what's happening in the digestive system of a human.

As they were observing the ramen inside the digestive system, they found out that our body was actually having a hard time in grinding the processed ramen noodles. They even compared the digestion of a processed ramen to a homemade ramen and they were quite shocked to find out that after two hours, the homemade ramen was already grinded yet the process ramen still have large pieces.

According to research, manufacturers are using chemicals and food additive to preserve processed foods.

“The most striking thing about our experiment when you looked at a time interval, say in one or two hours, we noticed a processed ramen noodles were less broken down than homemade ramen noodles."
This video will just serve as a warning to each and every one of you, to never eat too much-processed food!

Will you still eat processed food after watching this? Post your opinions in the comment box below!
Via Collective Evolution

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Jillur Rahman

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